The Massage Spot
providing individualized professional massage therapy to enhance wellness of mind, body and spirit

About The Practitioners

Annette Dunlap, LMBT NC #13046 owner The Massage Spot 

Graduate from Kneaded Energy, Greensboro, NC in  2013

Dedicated to providing affordable professional massage therapy to promote health and wellness of any individuals mind, body and spirit.
We believe in the power of touch and the asset of professional massage and bodywork. We pursue balance in life and are dedicated to assisting others find theirs. Excels within the massage therapy industry in connecting with clients, offering a variety of techniques and pressure.  Enjoys exercise, providing and receiving massage, personal training clients and my two grandchildren. 


Casey Cockerham, LMBT NC#15502 Casey Cockerham Massage

Graduate from Kneaded Energy, Greensboro, NC in 2015

Dedicated to assist clients knowledge as a massage therapist and physical therapy assistant. We believe in the power of touch and the asset of professional massage and bodywork. Excels with in the massage therapy industry with stretching and spontaneous muscle release. She is certified in lymphatic drainage. Enjoys running, exercise and everything there is to do in the great outdoors.


Lexie LaDrew, LMBT NC#17276 Lexie LaDrew Massage

Graduate from The Living Art Institute, Winston Salem, NC in 2018

Specializes in pre-natal and deep tissue massage. Excels within the massage therapy industry in pressure, deep tissue and pre- natal massage.  


Travis Mahaffey owner Shamrock Fitness

Yoga and flexibility instructor. Exceptional experience and knowledge of all things yoga. Laid back instructor with DDP training. Also offering Shamrock Fitness via zoom throughout the week with his other instructors. 



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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